



Cut Me Up Magazine: Ongoing, participatory magazine of visual call-and-response. Subscribe and submit.

The Weird Show: Exploring the boundaries of collage through features, interviews and podcast episodes, curated and edited by Max-O-Matic. Andrea Burgay contributes studio visits and artist interview for The Weird Show.

Revue Collé: A weekly email exploration into the world of contemporary collage.

Contemporary Collage Magazine: A quarterly magazine featuring interviews, articles, challenges, open calls, and resources.

Kolaj Magazine: Reporting on all things collage, featuring a directory of artists, collage books, and much more.

Retroavangarda: International collage exhibitions and directory of artists.

Doug and Laurie Kanyer Art Collection: A strategic, international art collection dedicated to collagists from 1980 to present.


Breakdown Catalog: Breakdown was a 2020 online exhibition of works made through processes of fragmentation and rebuilding, curated by Andrea Burgay for Distance Gallery. The book includes an interview with the curator by The Weird Show/Max-O-Matic.

Collage Care: Transforming Emotions and Life Experiences with Collage by Laurie Kanyer Activities and tools exploring the potential of collage for self-care, featuring over 150 full color, fine art collages from the Doug and Laurie Kanyer Art Collection. Foreword written by Andrea Burgay.

What Kind Of Collage Is That? by Katie Blake features more than 270 collage techniques and processes with definitions or descriptions from the artists and historians.


Marissa Shell: Fabric and Collage, 2017-2021

Andrew Lundwall: Parallel Synesthesia, 2013